
Our operations

Section 31’s (S31) mission is to provide The United Federation of Planets (UFP) with a global covert capability and help protect its security interests.

Our title was derived from the original Starfleet Charter, Article 14, Section 31, of which allows for extraordinary measures to be taken in times of extreme threat. It’s this section of the charter that allows Section 31 to operate autonomously.

We collect secret intelligence and mount operations to prevent and detect serious threats, and promote and defend the security and well being of the Federation. We work closely with Starfleet Intelligence and Internal Affairs, and the top-secret nature of our work means we operate autonomously with no oversight or accountability.

It takes people from a wide range of backgrounds with a variety of different skills to help counter the increasing number of threats to the Federation. But they all share the same mission – to protect the Federation, its charter, people and interests.

Our Agent

Our people are at the heart of our organisation. We fulfil our operations in a number of ways – with the information our agents provide, the technical resources at our disposal and our close relationship with foreign intelligence and security services. These include Starfleet Intelligence and Internal Affairs, as well as other agencies and governments.